Thursday, November 27, 2008

Greetings For Newborn Sons

or creativity - ddc - from

observe the slow movements of perfection ...
fulfilled in the infinite void in the complete words and distractions ...
while all around the world is ... in its continuous feed of energy through the noise, uncertainties and random events ....

burn time of our world as a result of our individual desires endless ...

rest stop to read and reread my oracle still in my hands, while outside the temple continue to occur the obliterations ...
washing of hands and smoke attracted to your face with a sweeping gesture of his hands to purify them and drive away evil spirits ... ancestral masters of the universe ...

rest stop to read it and are undecided ... for the first time ...
but I know 'that the oracle in his infinite goodness' leaves me two clear options:

if the His verdict would like good luck for the things in my life then I can keep it, and his spirits will protect me from bad luck

if instead, Oracle preaches a bad luck ... So I finally have the chance to chase them away ... and she finally revealed, you may 'be left here ... front of the temple ... tied to a rope ... surrounded by all the bad fortunes of other people who knows what ... confined and isolated in this little corner in which no power can 'more' practice ...

short, either way I have the chance to drive out evil spirits and dark bofonchielli giggle and flutter around my naive sinful disbelief ...

yet ... and yet ...
I can not read behind the lines of the oracle ...
what is speaking to me ...
good luck or bad luck ...
what I want to say ...
how many Chinese boxes will be made his prediction ...

I try to concentrate more on his words ... and ...
I like the feeling of getting lost in a vacuum that draws its origin from quell'oracolo ...
that would suck ... almost hidden infinite energy e. .. an absolute truth ...

and right now I lose touch with the real world ...
which suddenly disappearing in everything around me ...
leaving room for a black vortex, now quiet and silent ...
and the sound of silence around me and not let me hope ...

stop time ...

in a while I see a line that seems endless, un'orizzonte ... beyond which perhaps is the answer to my question, the answer to my destiny ...

I look at that horizon ... and I am sure that once passed can not go back ...

and in the meantime I meditate on my right to ask what a man ...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Unterschied Emu Wool Und Emu Bronte

Artistic Association MONDOMUSICA

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Honey Beige Paint Lowes

XIII International Guitar Festival - Syracuse 2008

Date: from 18 to 23 December 2008
at Palazzo Impellizzeri, Via Maestranza, Syracuse
Membership: Master Class in all the 180 €; a Master Class € 80, € 80 auditors. Tulle
forms of entry in the Master Class include subscriptions to all the concerts of the Festival.

December 18 18.00 - Exhibition of young performers, Italy - December 19
Florida * 21.30 - Andrea Vettoretti , Italy
December 20 21.30 - Marco Tamayo, Cuba
December 21 21.30 - Duo 360 (Palamidessi - Laurent) , Italy - France
December 22 21.30 - In Duo and Simone Alessi, Italy
December 23 21.30 - Exhibition of four students selected during the Master Class

of 18 * the concert will be held in Floridia, Chisa di Sant'Anna in Via Roma and will start at 18.00.

Master Classes
18:19 December - Andrea Vettoretti
20:21 December - Marco Tamayo
22:23 December - Stefano Palamidessi & François Laurent
19:23 December - In and Simone Alessi

violins show
21, 22, 23 December
23 December 11.30 - Proof public instruments on display

Tel / Fax: 0931 721 168
Mobile: 339 6253609
Cell: 347 4426390 eMail
Artistic Director: In Alessi

There are agreements with Bed and Breakfast and restaurants.