Saturday, July 23, 2005

Diane Pills Breast Enlargement

Open letter to a friend feel-good

Dear friend feel-good ....
the error of many is to have been deaf to the call not to violate the freedom of others: "It is dangerous to leave the impoverished without realizing, that by their own will. Even before God has value only what we give freely and in full consciousness ... What we can count only slyly and works by legions legionary certainly can not produce the least well ... What is true is to raise the humble of heart and give himself to those who can and wants to give himself. Then our work is really useful. Some people forget that love in secret, they are humble and therefore do not dare ask nothing, you feel unworthy of everything. These are the beings who rule the world and keep the real contact between heaven and earth. (Luigi Gaspari - "Padre Pio told me ..." Ed. CDOLG) but more importantly there are those who, in a treacherous, are exploiting the sacred "those who are dominated by the spirit of pride and vanity consider themselves entitled to sacrifice and that of others' generosity, not only do not feel gratitude, but make it a right of personal law "(Luigi Gaspari -" Padre Pio told me ... "Ed. CDOLG).
The strength of the Church for centuries has been to have preserved the Truth of Christ, Western culture, Latin and Greek, but also have created the obedient, which, in the name of obedience and freedom of conscience, denied the evidence, endorsed crimes and persecution. Obedience has a pedagogical value for the time necessary to be in full freedom of conscience is the freedom to build the Temple where God can reign to be as the Bible says, "all in all."
Obedience, by educational value has been transformed into "value" demagogic, because, relying on the masses, failed to help the single person to feel, that potential the Temple of God over the centuries it has managed to transform men 'individuals' impersonal and therefore easy prey to an ideology. "The old world is discarded, and to whom you can not go, that's what's modern history, with its Enlightenment rationalist, his individualism and his humanism, his liberalism and his democratic theories" (N. Berdyaev - New Middle Ages)
Obedience finishes its function, when you regain the freedom to obey only the God who is in our hearts. When people cut themselves off from this obedience and passive obedience, you move on and creative, for a time we lost, because at this stage we idolized and raised a point of reference is lacking.
Our consciousness slowly and painfully that replaces the reference point, to get in condition to build a new reference point: God himself.
obedience that completes this transformation, it becomes detrimental to human dignity and threatening social community associates. In fact, history shows that in the name of unquestioned obedience, they have made the greatest crimes against humanity and against God blind obedience has raised the barriers of suspicion, he incited the crowds, has terrorized entire nations, prevented free path of humanity that seeks nothing but joy and inner peace.
The exploitation of the sacred is precisely this obedience to the whims of the rais of the day. Catholic home in no more than 50 years ago the same Padre Pio, was crucified and fingered as a danger to the community of the faithful, and then make him a saint by popular acclaim, perhaps putting in a few words of mouth and by concealing the fact for example, its anti-gutted and his great love for the King of Italy. So the problem of obedience is a thorn in the side of the Chair of Peter but also to all religious movements, always anxious to keep tight control on the heretic's turn, or simply the one who asks questions, especially the mystics and saints.
In the fight against the Cathars, the Catholic bishop told the soldiers, doubtful as to who was Catholic and heretic who, to "kill them all, God will recognize his own." The Cathars were heretics, but he certainly was innammissibile kill them, would have been enough to behave as true Christians that sooner or later they would have repented. But can we really call ourselves Christians? We are those who are giving first place to the God of love? We are the ones who set the example? Dear friend
feel-good, reminds me a bit 'those "justifications" of the vulgar anti-war, you know those who are "so good" that is why McDonald smash Amerikan and capitalist, or the cash (of course taking, because it will also go shopping by proletarian somewhere ...). Those guys think they are also "empowered" by some parties, horrified by the fact that the Police and Carabinieri are trying to curb those hotheads. I remembered that it was something you deeply irritated.
You know, these "peace activists" have not seen them even once get off the streets to say "no all'infibulazione", "respect for freedom of speech," "no to the severed heads", "no stoning," "no to infamous treatment is being done to women in Islamic countries, "the churches are in Saudi Arabia", "yes to democracy in Islamic countries" fighting Ajatollah and student support Iran. "
Even today there are various distinctions of our "intellectuals" on the positions of the Iranian President on Israel.
Hitler began just like that, beginning its climb leveraging pavididità more interested in European trade on which to honor the dignity.
The cowardice of bureaucrats quest'europetta very worried about keeping their bench in the European Parliament to quibble on the length of the zucchini instead of making you feel a strong and unique voice to the various crazies here and there ognitanto arise.
Our company expresses this nonsense of "we do from the peace march," because after the march terrorisi if the Islamic "under will" understand "the power of the West." In fact, after the marches, always with the flags of Che and of kufie Fedayn, everything is as before and then "you can go to Sperlonga finally enjoy a well-deserved rest or drink a beer happy to have made" our duty ". The "tough fight" requires a few weeks the sea, to recover from the stress of having marched with candles in hand, having destroyed some cash and some smashed window. We earn only Cererie and instead of sending him four youths of the San Marco Battalion, we are behind the young priest on duty or vescovetto cattocomunista, that make us go around the square, with the colored flags of the representatives of the nuclear-free city or goes out of fashion now say the "city of peace", as if there were the "city of war." All things to hospitalization in a mental hospital. How I wish a city
decomunistizzata, depretizzata, deislamizzata, departitizzata, debrigatizzata, debandierinizzata, denoglobalizzata, and also desocialisation decattocomunistizzata. I would like a city where love and love will prevail.
minds are always the same, are those who marched against the Amerikan because they had placed the Cruise in Europe and Italy, but were careful not to do so against the USSR, which had bet against Europe's SS20. You know the hired behave like that, they fear losing their privileges, maybe they are accused of not being "politically correct", not "cool" to take sides. In my village are also called "courtiers". Reminds you of something ...? The prezzolatacci are always on the side of the enemy are the "quisling" local, they are traitors, are Nicholas of in the Bible, are always ready to do business with the enemy, ready to support in the name of ... power.
Even these are justified.
But you, dear friend, feel-good, you were not in the ranks of the outraged? You were not of those who was inexcusable that? You were right, and then God, Country and Family?
Easier said than done when we are touched personally when we set an example, when we have to take a clear position against the evil that we see and that "we recognize."
We are the fruit we are in unacceptable condition that must be "necessarily" mean and accept the lie that we like, rather than seeing the ugly truth and fight we could suffer.
E 'by example, kindness, sacrifice, gentleness, the dignity and honor that Christianity is spreading, but with the aircraft carriers, nuclear bombs and F-16s that Christianity stands for. The dialogue that both the relativist is in fashion today, is the time to leave, and the facts are showing. He also noticed at the Vatican to have perhaps a bit 'too much with their "aperturette" which are actually chasms. Now worry about relativism, as if they had their relativized the Truth that is Christ with those absurd statements that all religions are "seeds of the Word." But still express those political calls to say that in Islam there are elements of peace, "that the struggle is not against Christianity and other crap like that. Is denied evidence for a political end game, it proclaims the Truth that is Christ, or if it is proclaimed it is called "item" ... You know it is not politically correct. We forgot that fundamentalism is not born with the invasion of Iraq, but with the Iranian Revolution. Do you remember, or have already forgotten the hostages Amerikan? It 's where it started the "rebirth" of Islam, with which this century have to confront. I remember very well the various interpretations and distinctions of the "intellectuals" who called it a "liberation struggle of the proletariat in response to conditions of over-exploitation by the former nomenklatura linked Shah." Also those interpretations "Marxist" (we imbued with this spirit), which then over time have proved their failure. To be precise is by Hassan Al-Banna, founder in 1928 of the Muslim Brotherhood, which started the trouble, that's where it started slowly awakening of a sleeping civilization, a civilization that has never had a particularly friendly attitude with the Christian and other civilizations. Sadat, who was only allowed to sign peace with Israle, was assassinated by them. This, too, did you forget? But you were not one of those that are documented? Do not boast of being a fine intellectual? Let's go bad and you know why: because we are ruled by these "intellectuals for" that "politically" usum delphini and forget about the past, except to highlight the fascist authoritarianism, because it is "democratic." You know those common things like "we fought fascism, which was a dictatorship, ergo we are" democratic. "
But if I say so because they wanted the referendum to abolish the monarchy? Vittorio Emanuele III abdicated, so that sense was angry with King Umberto, who also was also a true gentleman?
In fact the real target was the same: the conquest of power through a monopoly of culture (Gramsci was smart to suggest this assimilative process), conveying the "truth "domesticated ox the people, who for the sake of" peace " pretends to nothing in the face of evil that sees and can recognize. " Even
of the gulag, he speaks little, trying not to give too much prominence. You know there are too many skeletons in the closets and the people would lose patience and get angry at some point. I suggest you read "Do not forget me" by Pavel Florenskji bear much meditation.
You know, dear friend, feel-good, all those idiotic phrases like "we all have the same God", but can not stand. But I remember that our God is Love, and think a bit ', even Trinitarian and then to use the local dialect "that guesses? And then those other ideas "on a multicultural society", a company that does is create only "cultural multighetti.
Those useless talk propinano that these intellectuals, who you shake hands and maybe if the go at once to wash, these minds a bit 'Jacobin, a little' chiesaiole, a little 'lay, a little' that and a little 'guy. Do you think all these "menate" are the result of obedience to that party, at that church, then rais, in ideology, they are all the result of absolute alignment.
are only suggestions!
And over the centuries that have built up the suggestions. The Church is fascinated by this Islam that puts everyone in line, reminiscent of the "good old days" when the threat of excommunication was also straight Rigar King "Catholicism involves close monitoring of theological opinion: the net of Peter is now more close ... we could say that .. post-Tridentine Catholicism is the first social body that can be defined in the ideological sense become common with Marxism in Western culture ... "(GBBozzo-F.Gualco - The metamorphosis of Christianity - Sugarco Ed.). It 's a perverse fascination to see the people always bent the damn blind obedience in the name of a religion that was founded as a military conquest and territorial expansion. Islam is considered final revelation after Judaism and Christianity, I say that it is not because the real revelation is the language of the heart, the language of love. Christianity must rise again, moving from obedience and find that its essence is love.
seems we are talking about utopias, perhaps we are told that we are of poor deluded, that the time has demonstrated the failure of Christianity. Well! I say it is not so, Christianity is failing based on the law and the need and is slowly triumphing Christianity of love, feeling and will. We have forgotten that Christianity was born on a sacrifice, the sacrifice of Christ free. We have forgotten that Islam is a religion that has sacrificed. Christianity has been sacrificed in Jesus Christ, Islam has sacrificed Muhammad. Even
you forget these things? Kingship And you remember? The man is king when it reigns over his passions. Often we fall, but Then, we must restore confidence, we must raise to add new stones to build the spiritual temple in our hearts.
God loves and is loved by her man who rediscovers his dignity and his honor. The Cristanesimo gives life meaning, honorable and decent man, because he feels that his heart is the seat of the Word. What greater honor for a man to find this voice is permanently strengthened. This is the true kingship.
kingship and the Voice of God which is a King, because everyone has the right to a kingdom, an inner realm where it can freely listen to his conscience, where it can not be influenced by the ideas of the world, they are always the damned suggestions. The
Kingship than obedience because it goes beyond the sentence: "If your heart condemns you, remember that God is bigger than your heart" he said. This is the true King is God and everyone becomes King of Love becomes the living God for he has heard the voice of his royal conscience. If I love the gift becomes regal, if I love love, I become his voice.
Every man has the right to find the lost paradise of the Kingship, every man has the right to listen to Thing.
's why I tell you, but you listen to your conscience? Or, for the sake of convenience to delegate someone else to think for yourself?
great kings of the past did not hesitate a moment to be barrier to invasion Islamic, or to bypass the convictions of the Church. For better or for worse, they have defended our civilization from the barbarism that had appeared from time to time. Today, the "politically correct" that you do not want to talk about the Crusades, but holy God, the Crusades were the strong response to slow, alternating and direct pressure on the borders of Europe in the centuries of Islam. We have forgotten this too, and yet a thousand years of history should teach us something, but we are too busy to follow the "conditioner of conscience" on duty or sales pitch that tells us that "we have it all wrong, because we were the invaders ... we had a plague spread by "commercial interests" .. we were bad ', ergo also San Louis IX was bad because he has led and participated in the Crusades. So why is holy? They'll tell you "but do you know about that aspect Saint Louis, was wrong ...". But when one is holy is holy to half the service, or is wholly holy? And if it is through service, which is the part I must admit that holy? But we realize how far have we come? Then he was wrong even Pope Urban II declared, "will inspire you, indeed I'm not doing it, but God willing, with inducements to persuade as auctioneers of Christ, all, of any order, knights and foot soldiers, rich and poor , to hasten him to provide for Christians to expel from our land that race malignant ...». We should therefore be assumed that Innocent III, who was not tender, nor "politically correct" has made a blunder, as St. Francis, who went to the Sultan to convert to Cristianesino ... They all wrong?
So my dear friend, feel-good, as you see, there are many errors that are not taking place.
Skipping a few centuries and we go to the twentieth century. There is closer and still do we suffer the consequences. But in general, nothing has changed, still the same old story, but with new ideologies that find their way and win the obedient people: Socialism, Communism, Nazism, Liberalism, Fascism, Nationalism.
the people to get away from obedience, that of the Church, he falls into another obedience: that the party then that is a secular church.
The ideologies of the twentieth century have not only served to amplify this concept in a big way. The 80 million deaths took from Marxism, as the price for the construction of Homo Sovieticus are proven facts, though, always that damned cowardly and politically correct we can not say anything or even you, "he says," but little.
It was never proposed a Nuremberg Tribunal on Crimes of Communism, why? Because it is still part of our culture, our thoughts, our way of seeing the world, our cowardice, our spirit contaminated. We stayed in Yalta, we are still the "great achievements" of Mao's librettaccio. We love to go to Cuba, is "chic" is "radical chic". You return from vacation citing the wonders of the places, beautiful women, it is stressed that the people "living with dignity," forgetting to mention that anyone who does not line goes to trial and perhaps in some "re-education camp," those places so loved by our "fellow travelers" who then become "comrades who make mistakes," but always "comrades."
Right and the Left in this spirit comunistoide and Jacobean reigns supreme, because it is part of the DNA of the "culture" today. That's why we will adapt easily to the injustice, it is because we have always obeyed, not never evaluated coscienza.A right even as he cites Gramsci cultural reference point. I say: read on Gramsci and discover how the left has an anaconda avvilupato as our thoughts and our freedom to see things as they are.
Islam as "moderate" is similar to communism by the "human face", which permeates the culture, media, people's thoughts and words to convey hatred and a primary objective. Then there were the ideas of the Soviet "common European house" a way as any to create a replica of the USSR, today sostenutissima idea by politicians in Brussels, but that is miserably revealing all its flaws, and fortunately his failure.
Many people are certainly in good faith, but this should not prevent us to discern what is true and what is manipulated, what is acceptable and what is unacceptable to us and to our civilization and try to do everything possible to "get across". It should be noted by those who want to assimilate the "moderates" or destroy us through fundamentalism.
The "self-styled" (as he put it on the left, suffering from the contagious disease that is called: to deny the obvious) Red Brigades, to return to Italy, were in a sense, the effect of "indirect" in historic compromise. They were created by the same ideas of today, those fantasies as conveyed by the "parallel convergences", the struggle to "multinational" all slogans to dupe the people on the need to make a decision "courageous." I remember
articles by distinguished journalists who cited as the Red Brigades were "a children's story sleepy and stupid" and then make amends and become happily that they were a danger to the state. Remember everyone saying that language newspeak to say anything? It was focused on the fascist plot, just as today: the plots are only the Israeli-Amerikan, not the Arab-Islamic cattocomuniste, ready to give a hand to each other.
I have not seen a politician, except perhaps a few others, and Ferrara, who has had the courage to denounce the follies of these ideologies, the distortions of these civilizations. Are as white flies, as Some forms of floaters that we all more or less, do not realize it, if only for a moment. Remember Huntington? It 'been the subject of severe criticism, when in very difficult times assumed the current clash of civilizations.
I'll say that in respect of Professor Huntington, who is a real galatuomo, there was also a bit 'of the ruling Jews. You my friend, the old gentleman is also jew. So immediate are the shafts of the left and secular cattocomunista shouting "scandal" for clear, effective and accurate analysis carried out by the gentle professor, former adviser to President Clinton.
the world have been given instructions by obey, has not been taught the discernment between what is good and what is bad. The men were unaccustomed to thinking for themselves, there must be only the alignment with what is considered "politically acceptable". Crush is an old friend or threaten an "acceptable price", go at night under the windows of a friend and tell him he is a "bitch" is "acceptable" because it says the dittatorello of the moment (you know my dear friend what I mean ...). I'm here all this unacceptable before God and men. "The world - says Soloviev - should not be saved with the use of force ... It may appear that the men work together with some great task, and that relate to it and submits all their business details, but if this task is imposed on them, whether it was for them something fatal and looming ... so, even if that unit would embrace all humanity, not has been achieved universal humanity, but you will only have a huge 'nest' "(Edition 'The House of Matriona', pp. 65-66).
It now tolerates rampant anti-Semitism, disguised as" anti-Zionism "which responded with bland statements and total inaction. You insult Israeli university professors, because they represent the "attackers" instead of kicked in the ass anti-Semitic students. Who knows where the buses blown up ... in Gaza? In Islamic countries printing the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, or say that Jews are apes and which are to be exterminated. I suggest you visit "The left has proved to be the true cradle of anti-Semitism ... the fundamental idea of \u200b\u200banti-Semitism, now as always, is that Jews have a wicked mind that makes them different and unsuitable, as morally inferior people .. . (F. Nirenstein - The liberal anti-Semites). And again, as you see it denies the truth, and you become complacent with the lie.
But this perverse and arrogant spirit spreads everywhere, and especially, as you know. .. also in the movements religious.
clarification on what I believe and what I mean religious as religion. These movements, associations, committees, etc., are mostly aggregations of "religion", ie fish in that tank of emotions and feelings, to redirect to their service. All these things mass, more or less do nothing but ride of emotions and mental, of the will always suggestible to an end in power.
We too, dear friend, feel-good, for once we have fallen into this trap, but something in our consciousness, telling us that it was not right, was not acceptable, that all this was and is a coward. And so with hard work and dignity that we decided we could not accept the various atrocities that were committed.
In this new-found freedom when some of us do not know about you, have continued to deepen, to study, to try to become less ignorant, because ignorance becomes a crime if we can read.
If we do not improve our knowledge, we can easily fall victim to those who try to influence, or those who seek to put at his service, our desire for a better world, our desire to know the truth. I unfortunately have influenced them to us at home and even in this case, we must use our conscience to discern. There are always those forms of psychic claim freedom for herself and invite others to do what they say. Useful for a long, disastrous for ever needed for a decerebration, unconscionable for a free person.
The lessons of the past have not had anything.
We can not call ourselves Christians if we tolerate this, we can not call ourselves Christians if we allow a Jew to be slaughtered, we can not build a civilization of love, or be a reference point for others unless we first define and defend our freedom, our civilization, our freedom of conscience. The seven
just use these techniques. They are born where reigns good intentions and desire to help others, because there is always a snake trying to cling to a pillar of truth, seek to leverage the guilt, the sense of the flock, the organized group commanded by a chief to whom we must conform to "find salvation and the way of heaven" (to be Tamil Shiite or something, or maybe it will be a Tanzim ... now called "martyrs"). Then these "martyrs", the "dittatorello" will tell them you have to "forgive seventy times seven." Forgiveness is obviously valid only for those who are on his side, the old woman threatened, beaten and that his friend beaten up may also be going to bless.
But if God is all in all I can and I must obey only my boss that it is God who speaks in my heart and then I have to evaluate if you ask me what I feel like I'm right or wrong ("God is first and then the Pope", he said that Padre Pio and he repeated "strong floor" Luigi Gaspari).
We realize this fact of God's presence in our hearts, because we feel like we observed when we do something that deep inside we feel unfair.
Esau was also heir, indeed the legitimate heir of Isaac, however, is the blessing that Jacob's legacy moved on, why? Esau because he was violent and authoritarian and was taken for granted in the future duty of managing his "legacy."
are customs which tend to petrify the human conscience, by morality, custom, habit, the costume and so, very slowly you get used to the prison, finding himself in a sort of Stockholm syndrome: to love your own jailer or executioner.
The world is falling apart because until now has prevailed the second practice.
I say though that if I proclaim to love God, I must love my freedom, I must be in full freedom, I must not have any air conditioning or fear of bad luck, the curses and so on.
God is Love and that is all we have to keep in mind, and all those who seek to prevent us from believing in this, because they want the uniformity obedient to their commands, can not be sustained or supported, but only fought.
Christ tells us "I call friends and not servants." Many instead have become slaves of the largest of the vanity: the promise of power.
The various little women, more or less Beguine, which revolve around these movements, carefully avoided taking a position, or rather they took when they were personally affected or offended. They have defended the principle, which is unacceptable (I suppose, dear friend, how many cases you have collected and viewed ... I hope). Christianity became a religion of "peace marches", a little 'comunistoide and a little' cattolicoide "(you know the technique to give a shot at the rim and a barrel), has become a" movement "is not a consciousness, has turned into a container of emotions and sentimentality that are expressed in some marching with a candle in his hand. Christianity has lost honor, lost his royal dignity, has lost its sense of promise, a sense of duty, it is aged, because his language is now stale, lax, politically correct and Beghin.
I say more, there are many who are part of these deployments their "obedient". Obviously not obedient to his conscience, but to those forms which give psychic value absolute dream and / or speak with the Virgin Mary or the saints, like those who say that the "Madonna told me this, I said that .. . and other things to run out, someone else does the clairvoyant psychic under the table or other amenities such as "I saw St. Michael appeared to me in the room ..." "I dreamed of this, I dreamed that ... told me to tell you so and so ...", is so on. A set of follies that have brought and bring only damage to confuse the people in good faith and perhaps overshadowing the true spiritual facts, the real ones: Fatima, La Salette. But even here the messages, as you know, were "properly" diluted. Never let it be that this is not the "Misteryum iniquitatis ... And if it is, who knows the good Quinctius may have had an interesting insight.
Many have serious problems, or "deep down", try to put at the service our goodness, or even more are ignorant of ignorance that ultimately the Church or sect like it, because they remain obedient even in the face of injustice. I find it outrageous that in the face of serious situations that occur and have occurred, there were people that we have expressed dismay, nor have we taken a serious position. Nothing at all. Only those irritating calls to be patient, to justify the injustice that means then justify their fear.
But Christ also lost his patience, when, entered his temple, he found the merchants who put service to his goodness. He took anger, real wrath of God, they began to kick and sent it up. And when
Christ will come in our time, which is our heart, not throw it all up, maybe you do not get angry because we do not have defended the fatherless and the widow as the Bible advises us? Do not be angry because we have not defended his gifts?
To find the dignity and above all to maintain it we must take a stand or you fall into this trap of doing good, is not seeing that because it suits us.
Luigi Gaspari was uncomfortable because he spoke loud and clear and has not been cured of "political correctness" of the Church, he called things by their name.
Your attitude, feel-good friend, was similar to that of politicians Italian and European do not call things by their name. In fact you can not talk about Islamic terrorism "because it is not correct," but it is clear that 90% of the bombers are Islamic terrorists. And then tell us that there is a moderate Islamic "democracy" which should not be denied economic support, "aid", because we must "fight the basis of poverty." All bells. They forget that the famous refrain of "moderate Islam" is infibulation, the commodification of human beings, that cuts the heads, hands and feet. Other than aid. There are nations like ours, which spend part of their GDP to enrich the religious duty nomenklatura, that maybe diverted funds to cultivation of opium poppy or buy those weapons to shoot at us in the near future.
Even within the "various sects" are the two souls: the "moderate" that sends you to the stake with the words and threats of lawyers and a subliminal reference to possible "curse" or "Jelle" "if you do not do what I say ...», and "fundamentalist" when it is unleashed "decerebration psychological shift" and "reach out your hand, threatens and insults you (do not know why but these things remind me of both the Inquisition ... Look, look ...)
And we who despise all that, then why do the do-gooders with the various caliphs? I believe that each of us has the sacred duty of defending the principles of freedom of conscience, because they are making a prosperous civilization. Civilization is not a generic word, we are civilization, we are part of this civilization, we have a duty to defend our civilization, we must encourage the emergence of the civilization of love, we must fight, even with our thoughts to find new words to motivate people, we must speak loud and flat, but we say things as they are.
Terror and the facts to which we are seeing come out of this widespread indifference, from this "wanting to delegate," then someone who guides us and hurt us to open our doors and homes to the enemy.
We got shit in general References to "find a solution" and "find the agreement". So if this is true, we should make a deal with the devil, who, like Gaspari said, "is good as long as you let her do the comfortable."
I hope that my words will elicit an appropriate reflection and the need to clarify the choices. Also deployed on the side you want, but do not hold "Democrat" foot in both camps.
not choose not to see, to turn a blind eye. I prefer a declared enemy, that a "false friend". They are much better than the various Bertinotti taking a position that I find absolutely agree but at least they are declared enemies, that the various political and / or "friends" who are not "no meat or Fish. "Even the Amerikan, and to love and esteem, you could disinterest in Europe during World War II. They did not like you have got bags and came to die in Italy, France, Belgium, etc. . Europe had supported the policy of "appeasement" toward Hitler, with all sorts of absurd justifications, then we saw how that turned out. Today, Europe is celebrating its fragile Jacobin policy of "appeasement" toward destructive of civilizations such as Islam and you too, "friend," says the same policy against unjust to turn.
This property is a double burden: it is an absolute. So if I condone evil, which is what which is unacceptable to my conscience, I allow evil to take various forms. The evil it fights starting from themselves and those around us. The greatest evil comes from many small evils that we missed, for "the sake of peace."
Your policy of "appeasement" (as the English say) word I would translate better in "calabraghe", brought and brings considerable damage, as endorsed, for "quiet life" the biggest injustice, the greatest misfortune, the greatest offenses against God and against humanity.
should proclaim the conscience of man "heritage" as it does for the various archaeological sites around the world. Consciousness is like an archaeological site, we have to dig far to discover the treasures it hides. In fact, it was flooded by volcanic eruptions of the passions and ideologies to which man is bound to adapt. The need has overwhelmed
We must now regain full freedom.
This is our duty, this is our commitment, it must be our will in this life, nothing else makes sense, and all we get tired and get tired. We must enrich more and more of his wisdom and goodness, we must learn to love wisely, reflecting whether what we are doing is in the Spirit of God or in the spirit of our passion momentary and transient.
Everyone has the sacred duty to take a stance of "resistance to the evil he sees. And so Europe, which will touch the bottom until you find his dignity to proclaim the love of God, faith in Christ and friendship to the Holy Spirit.


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