Monday, October 27, 2008

Lease Counter Offer Letter

Unicuique suum 1909.59 - 1824.66 ddcda

I remember that goal ... yes, I remember it very well. I had it fixed in mind and soul. And the soul felt reborn every time the sun set behind the islands, diving in the sea ...
and saw him running beside me, silent, looking out ... sweating like me.
And I felt my energy to become infinite, speed up my pace, my breathing become more 'slow, my sight more' acute .... my heart beat explosive such as a gun ...

and ran to him ... for me.

1 around 4 minutes and 10 seconds ... Today should be better ...
see how it goes once around the corner after all ... the view of the long journey I Caschera 'him like a rock? no, no ... I do not even think about it, was so 'that I did when I was running acanthus peppe ... Perhaps I should focus a bit 'more' about music, train my English ... or maybe I should just ... out ... forget the street, my fatigue and fly ... with the mind ...

like I was doing two minutes ago when I saw the sun go down while I was running with Looking to the west ...

Reverse Psychology

his sound and I 'in head buzzed like a hornet for about half a day, and now 'back to peep into my mind ...
now that the vacuum has taken the place of the road and my breath has taken precedence over my legs ...

reverse psychology ...

continues to use it methodically, almost proud of the use made of it, to pursue all their personal goals ...

and comes to my mind the question more 'stupid world ...

'cause sometimes the man and' bad, 'cause some men are bad inside ...

and I find no rational and logical response to this question ...
and I get sick to my sweet, melancholy, loneliness away ...

I wonder if he's bad ... inside I say ...
and I wonder how he may feel bad in a bad ...

and then I wonder how he can be ... Finally ... I

The truce is coming to an end ... I see the trees go fast, left behind by the race of my train ... while we, former soldiers, ex-common men, men ex ... abandon the Russian steppes and head slowly and silently toward the house ...

here we spent two years ... Here we tried to recover man annihilated during the war years ...
here we dreamed and longed for the return home ...

and now that this train slow ... us back home, our silence try to hide our fears ...

the truce is going to end ...
now a new war is about to begin ...
this time against an enemy most 'formidable and terrible ...

time yourself and life
this time with themselves and life


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