Saturday, August 8, 2009

Delta Sigma Theta Delaware State University

Electra - ddcda 2602.74

's still an apparent calm that accompanies these hot nights of August came here to trap the respite is coming to its true end.

Silent nell'indole turbulent soul and follow with the mind the soft lines of our coastal lands ... clothes and capes, 'Ngoni, long beaches and castles bring our fallen walkway on the top of an epic retreat protected its ancient walls and surrounded by the prickly pear ...

here the dim lights of the night show us the way towards the proscenium of Electra.
And this place our minds are lured hungry ...

by the desperate cries of Electra, matricide from his anger, his gene cursed by the gods.

Elektra dominates the proscenium of his mistress and ruler of our pain, and Argo, more interested in our sandwiches, runs unopposed audiences ... spectrum him unhappy and indomitable, causing panic with his tail wagging silent ...

the stage lights go out, Electra disappeared in the darkness ... our sandwiches in the stomach of Argos, hungry dog \u200b\u200bonly true master of remains of ancient Greek Tindari ...

and we died of hunger, we return back to the house following the soft lines of our coastal lands ... decayed castles, long sandy 'Ngoni, garments and capes ...


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