Humor and its old post .. Deja vu
We do not stop laughing
Satire and humor: physiology and psychology of our daily laugh.
Some people say that, to the point where we are, there is nothing to laugh about.
Then there are those who say that those who (for art and profession) use humor and satire are fueling unease and discontent in the population.
But perhaps those who still want to laugh and who wants to censor the satire does not understand that human beings can not give up laughter and, above all, laughter is good for us. Paradoxically, we can indeed say that " laugh is a serious matter" (Francis, 2002) and the attention that psychology and medical science devoted more and more, this argument seems confermacelo.
In the history of psychology interested in the subject to find Freud, a pioneer among the pioneers of research on the psyche that, first, carry out studies on the jokes, and later many other authors (Goldstein, McDougall, Bateson, just to name a few), since the '20s-'30s, but above all between the '50s and '60s, have ventured into studies on topics such as irony, humor, comedy, laugh. Goldstein-McGhee (1972) in their essay "Psychology of humor" also identifies eight categories of theories can explain something humor: biological theories (instinctive and evolutionary) theories of superiority, dell'incongruità theories, theories of surprise, ambivalence theories, theories of relief and relief, configurational theory, psychoanalytic theory. Summarily (and maybe even a little 'reductively) we can say that "laughter" in psychology is seen and interpreted as an expression and release as a positive defense and, perhaps, is this: irony, humor and satire, do nothing but focus on the strengths and weaknesses of the human soul and, in the labyrinths of the soul, the laugh is on his way to give voice to joy, aggression, defense or offense (and more), flowing through a facial and a sound very appealing. Laugh now, in medicine, is used as an instrument of intervention, the comicoterapia is increasingly widespread, especially as a form of support for children with cancer, in general, as "carriers" to various medical treatments. And this, not just for the sake of offering moments of joy, but because the physiological point of view, laughter is primarily a "good exercise", if committed to cry less than twenty muscles we use to laugh more than sixty .
Laughing causes stress mechanics in the area of \u200b\u200bthe temples and galvanizing action on the functions of the brain and certain glands; mobilizes the diaphragm, tones the intestines, oxygenates the lungs causes an increase in the rate of synthesis of enkephalins (which are the mediators of the nervous system Central) and drives the secretion of endorphins and other substances which, besides giving a feeling of well being, make Vispe cellular functions and strengthen the immune system. Lee S. Berk presented the results of a study (research group of Loma Linda University in California, the annual meeting of the American Physiological Society, 2006) in which physiological parameters were monitored by a group of volunteers before, during and after viewing a comedy: in the blood of those who attended the screening of a comedy this was on average 27% more beta-endorphins and 87% more growth hormone than the levels recorded in the control group, which does not you attended. And also, one of several papers presented at the 73rd Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association, showed that, according to cardiologists at the University of Maryland Medical Center, as all the causes are still to be determined, people likely humor and laughter are 40% less chance than the 'curmudgeons' being subject to heart attacks. Laughter is in general a good remedy for stress and good for the heart.
Giorgio Celli (entomologist and writer, always very close to the world of communication, which ultimately was again approached by the world of TV comedy) in his essay "The science of comedy" (1982), writes: "necessarily and as a pole constitutively opposite of conformism, the comic, satire, meet and interact with history. Aspires to join politics. But a policy of "negative" because the comic, by its nature is always dissent, never consent. It can be anything but hagiographic and celebratory. That is between him and the power there is always distrust and war ... because the rice, ultimately is a weapon. Mockery breaks the halos, dissolves the charisms, clouding the heroes. Laugh and make others laugh is a very risky job, "but, on the basis of what has been said so far, seems to be worth this trade is exercised, for our own good! Then, if you really wanted to put an end to laugh, if you really want to give up the satire, I, at least, I will close here and manifest my dissent, smiling and thinking of a film starring Benigni and Troisi: if you want to go back censorship, if we want to throw back in time to the days of Savonarola, then, gentlemen, indeed, "we can do is cry."
Laughing is very good exercise. For laughing teeth should be good for that. Laughing reduce stress and feel energetic.
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