Monday, October 4, 2010

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Crisis and Labor - Part 2

continue the discussion begun in the previous post, facing other issues concerning the crisis and Labour .

Crisis, work, mobbing:

bullying The term is not used in all countries. In Anglo-Saxon world and in Japan for example, we use the term bullying and bullies to indicate the "aggressors from the office." This is because the first studies on the phenomenon, dating back to the beginning of the seventies, were conducted among school children, and only then it was considered appropriate to distinguish between workplace and school environment-youth. The French prefer the term harcèlement, literally, "harassment". Mobbing is derived from English to mob (= attack, attack, encircle). The term is taken from ethology of Konrad Lorenz, in reference to a particular behavior of the flock (= mobb, bandwidth) that manifests itself in the coalition against an "other" or "disturbers" balance system-group, to delete or to delete it aggressively groped.
In general, the English term was used by most of the 800 biologists to describe the behavior of the birds that fly around the nest to defend the attacker. The "psychological terrorism on the job" until some time ago it was a phenomenon completely ignored. Only in the eighties, the term has begun to indicate that some were victims of persecution, in the workplace. Victims of bullying suffer from stress and for their commute to work is problematic.

The environment is not welcoming, the only deal with certain people or certain tasks, puts forward. You feel always under review, attacked, criticized. Often, quite unfairly. You begin to doubt themselves, to not be able to handle the situation. Until the defeat. Which consists of being made redundant, or in going to endure a situation unbearable.
the late eighties Heinz Leymann, the first researcher who has produced consistent results on the phenomenon, has developed a questionnaire, which then provided the categories to classify the various actions unconscionable. The model is called LIPT (Leymann Inventory of Psychological Terrorism) and includes five different "attacks":

1. the opportunity to attack: the victim is excluded from the daily discussions, remains ignorant of information work-related, is isolated and has no support;
2. attack on social relations: to get around the victim to create an almost total social isolation, including physical if you can relegate it in isolated places where it can not communicate with anyone;
3. social attachment to the image: it activates a set of actions aimed at inducing the victim in error (for example by providing information or conflicting demands), built around this negative image of incompetence and unreliability;
4. attack on the quality of work and family: the indications mobbing, given continuously refer to particular tasks dequalificanti or even foolish for the company;
5. attack on health: the leaders ordered their subordinates to work with dangerous machinery and in condition of high risk.

Because of the complexity of the phenomenon to the presence of multiple actors, and often indirect actions unconscionable that characterize the actions more sophisticated, it is difficult to arrive at a shared definition of bullying. However, it appears that there is agreement that bullying is when the actions described are conducted with rather high frequency (at least a week), protracted (at least six months). In general, it is widespread among the experts, the view that prevention of bullying should start from workplace and by the group. The Court relies on to establishing the existence of a biological damage that must meet a set of criteria on which, here, not dwell. I will confine myself here to say that the complexity of the issues, the approach to the phenomenon of bullying must be multidisciplinary and involve: the occupational physician (who will assess the risks taking into account the change in working conditions and psychological well-being and identify any deficiencies in the work), the psychiatrist or psychologist (who has to make a clinical diagnosis of adjustment disorders that are resolved within six months after the onset of the stressors), the coroner (Will try to frame the current and previous working life of the victim, the presence of diseases that have arisen as a result of this situation and demonstrate the link between actions affecting the subject and damage). At this point I still want to point out a number of situations that can serve as a wake-up call for the workers:

• you are marginalized at work tasks are decreased
• •
are no longer assigned work tasks hitherto performed
• it is continuously transferred from one department to another
• dequalificanti tasks are assigned with respect to their professional profile are given tasks
• excessive in terms of quantity or personal skills •
it is excluded from training and professional development •
was continuously monitored

The most sensible and realistic attitude to take, if you have a hint of bullying is whether you This contrasts with normal, easily solved, or true harassment. Therefore, we must act on themselves. As it happens in most cases where someone is the victim of a persecutor, the persecutor takes much more power the more the persecuted him leave to buy. Those who feel the target of persecution must be spoken openly and should avoid closing in upon itself, and any criticism must be made directly to the person concerned, so that it can replicate. At the same time you should not focus all their energies only on issues related to work, very often it is always understood to "see" a problem that the exaggerated, also the consequence of this kind of attitude is that friends and relatives who initially support who is mobbed (or suspect) or get tired of seeing their friend or relative overload and so leave him alone with his problem, or trying to help him end up fueling his conduct irrational and exacerbate the problem.
To outline, if you think you suffer unjustly critical, recommended: •

evaluate the criticism can sometimes be our attitude to provoke the reaction of the other, must therefore consider first the attitude: If you are honest, courteous, if the first act is critical unconstructive, such attitudes can be improved, and how such change. Changing ourselves inevitably produce a different effect on the other. •
react to criticism: where you are sure that there are exaggerated or unfounded criticism, we must respond assertive, so that others feel. The best way to answer is undoubtedly a calm but determined, we must avoid and unnecessary negative tone circuits acrimonious discussions or over the top. We must not become disheartened by criticism, but continue to do their jobs better. It 'absolutely not recommended to place oneself in the role of victim afraid or plaintive, if necessary, must face the "mobbers" and talk with superiors without getting into a circuit of the "gossip" and search for complicity. Finally, we must always remember to try to give everything its proper weight. At least half of the stress that we are victims, just depends on us. •
distinguish the personal and professional aspect: you must learn to distinguish the possible failure of the working capacity of the person, and seek the objective causes. Maintain confidence in themselves and know how to evaluate the true causes is the best way to solve the problem.

Crisis, work and stress:

today, work-related stress has become a major concern for entrepreneurs who are suffering and costs for all lovers of prevention especially when operating in government or international organizations. Studies by the European Foundation between 1996 and 2000 showed that at least 28% of workers in those years have reported symptoms related to stress (most commonly musculoskeletal disorders) and other surveys have also reported as at least 50 - 60% of days lost is connected to Work-related stress is defined as a "set of emotional, cognitive, behavioral and physiological aspects related to negative and harmful content, and organization of the workplace." Stress has been increasingly the subject of extensive discussion in the field of industrial relations in national and international, to the point that it has signed an international agreement to which he then (after a few years) in Italy was followed by the signing of an agreement on stress while interconfederal at the legislative level, the areas of protection have been better defined and defined in Legislative Decree no. 81/2008 own with the need to include in the risk assessment work in the company, conditions that can lead to situations stress-related. In recent years, also the progress, the acquisition of new technologies, changes to work organization, such as greater flexibility have led to the increasing need to develop interventions and work patterns different from the past. These models are characterized by greater availability and greater specialization in work and to which are added commitments of various kinds: business studies and research, using new technologies, upgrade paths, transfer times to and from venues work, family and social commitments. The overload of requests and determine the status and causes of phenomena that define the term "stress" and have increasing importance in the evaluation of the welfare conditions since, in parallel, we see a steady decrease risk "traditional" because of the increased awareness of the harmful factors, the awareness of health issues and the innovative and gradually adopted better technology over time in each production sector.
Hans Selye, an Austrian physician considered the father of the concept of stress, made a distinction between eustress and distress.

acute stress or eustress consists of a:

- optimal degree of tension or external stress that would result once you reach the goal;
- defended by the monotony and Activation of useful resources;
- refining capacity of attention and concentration;
- encouraging the learning and memory;
- facilitator in stimulating creative problem-solving.
Chronic stress or distress would be in:
- continuous exposure to external stimuli;
- excessive physiological arousal and psychic
- forcing exaggerated and unnatural organic energy;
- prolonged process of endurance and strength;
- period of wear and exhaustion.

In general we can say that a part of stress (conceptually similar to the concept of sound-ray activation grease job objectives), the source is eustress positive for the individual, but the distress can be a source of negativity and then because of injuries, low productivity and absenteeism. Stress in the workplace may be due to various causes, largely from problems of inadequacy of rewards (benefits, services, wages, precarious contracts, pensions, etc..) Structural (pests, inappropriate environments, obsolete equipment), relational (relations badly managed vertical or horizontal) or organization (overload, shifts, beats, breaks, job insecurity, etc...) For example, excessive noise can make it difficult to concentrate and communicate with colleagues and work as long as it makes for protraction of extraordinary or for activities beyond 48 hours per week has doubled because of the risk for deaths from heart disease than those who work less than 40 hours, with an increased risk if the pace of work is very strong. Still, the presence of high responsibility towards third parties as with air traffic controllers, pilots, ambulance crews, doctors and nurses, may lead to high levels of stress as well as the recruitment of high management responsibilities in contexts that do not offer a adequate support and safety, or when relations with superiors or colleagues, are characterized by competitiveness, lack of consideration or misunderstanding when the job does not offer adequate guarantees of stability (Es.lavori "atypical") or safety, or if the possibility of career advancement are very scarce, where there is dissatisfaction with the lack of personal fulfillment, despite a fair remuneration.
According to the Consensus Statement (2006) MLIS on the "Assessment, prevention and correction of the harmful effects of stress in the workplace" (Cesana & coll.) Stress was important in disorders of gastrointestinal function, can also help in determining the pop- of inflammatory bowel disease, gastroesophageal reflux ol'esacerbazione as well as the aggravation or the appearance of skin disorders (psoriasis, hives, dermatitis eczema). Then recently, studies of psychoneuroimmunology have shown that changes in behavior and emotional states typical of stressful situations that might induce the complex neuroendocrine events also modulate disease processes, including allergies or even cancer.
In stressful situations can arise with changes to the intellectual difficulty maintaining the pace of work, appearance of mnemonic deficits, attention, concentration and information processing. The reactions of anxiety, often when you realize that it could not cope with the demands of accountability, appropriateness, urgency, precision, and then the subsequent occurrence of errors, delays, omissions significant association may determine or depression, irritability, pain, feelings of guilt. May occur in some cases eating disorders (bulimia most fre-quently, rarely anorexia), or there may be abuse of psychoactive substances (tobacco, alcohol, drugs) often actually motivated by prolonged stress, physical exhaustion, need to wake, insecurity.
Sleep disturbances are frequent occurrence of stressful situations. May occur in a common form of insomnia (difficulty falling, frequent awakenings, waking up early) or sometimes even more severe syndromes such as nightmares, bruxism, the hypersomnia, nocturnal myoclonus. And sleep disorders, according to studies, would be more common in manual workers with high workload with low support from colleagues.
The burnout framework that describes the physical and mental exhaustion of workers particularly vulnerable to stress or difficult situations with people, is a stress-related disease which particularly affects operators motivated reps and that is expressed by emotional exhaustion, detachment , loss of interest in the people with whom you work, alienation, intolerance, feelings of failure, apathy, sometimes aggressive and often psychosomatic symptoms of cardiovascular, intestinal, skin and nervous. High levels of
seems to stress may occur more frequently in jobs with high psychological stress, poor decision-making ability and autonomy, lack of support from colleagues. For example, to a survey of 1987 cited as "stressed out" miners, policemen, prison guards, construction (as well as pilots, journalists, actors and doctors) where the type of activities performed was characterized by high accountability, fear of mistakes, high and constant attention. In our country, particularly among workers are stressed, including air traffic controllers, bus drivers operating (for high attention shifts, traffic, fear of attacks, etc..) Workers shift workers, workers health, teachers, police, experts in the call center (often deprived of social recognition and professional staff to repetitive, fragmented, or in need of high capacity for problem solving, exposed to criticism or complaints from users, constantly monitored and under operating pressure, often working in low and comfortable with heavy rounds).

Without going further into this argument, I close by saying that tend to overload on the same work or unemployment, lead to overloading of distress (to return to the definitions of Selye), who is experiencing a moment of crisis, distress, must make an effort to lighten its load of distress, for dell'eustress and if the reader will read the definitions of distress and eustress above, it is easily deduced that this means not always stay focused on the negative aspects of the problem, disconnect from shifts too heavy or extreme job searches (in the case unemployment), do not assume an attitude victim (or concederseli only occasionally, it is human!), to give room for creativity and turn their resources.

Crisis, work and society:

will address this issue further, for now I limit myself to a few brief thoughts. In our society, work is everything, we ask "what do you do?" as well as asking your name, age, etc.. someone we know. Yet the example of other cultures, "says" you can live without all focus on labor history and the facts of today's economic crisis, then we say that the work can not be everything, because if the economy collapses, also collapses the labor market, but can not and must not collapse our lives. I will not be here to discuss how many hours it is right to work, the ideal would be that all its employees enough for us to live and be happy, and I think there is anyway to make terms with something: you can be happy working voluntarily more than twelve hours working day or only a few hours. These choices and specific needs. There are employers satisfied with their lives, as workers satisfied with their job and their lives, then there are entrepreneurs on the verge of a nervous breakdown and forced laborers from a rotten system and the need to make ends meet in exhausting shifts that put also at risk their health. There are those who must give up the relationship because he is ambitious and wants to earn more and more there is a minimum wage for those who must endure grueling shift comuunque sosttoporsi also the anxiety of not being able to pay all expenses, not to have certainty for the future and leave their children alone too, a / a partner / a. Again, no I think we can say with certainty what is the right choice, what work we should do and what not, the matter is that modern employment policies seem increasingly away from the individual dimension of job satisfaction, job security and the fixed place, the myths of the older generation now accounts for the failure of the new generations. If the old strategies collapse, then there is a need for new strategies, new thinking on labor and employment policies. I close by inviting the reader to reflection through the words of Erich Fromm: "The question at issue touches on one of the most painful of contemporary society. One of the more obvious psychological of modern life is the fact that the activities which constitute means for the purpose, have increasingly usurped the role of ends in themselves, but for Codest menano blurred and unreal existence. People work to earn money, make money to do with it, things enjoyable. In the work are the means, enjoyment, purpose. But what, concretely, does it happen? We work to make more money, you takes your money to make even more money, and end-to-enjoyment of life, is eventually lost sight of. The men are in a hurry and invent things to get more time. And then use the time saved can to rush to gain more time, until they feel so exhausted, it can no longer use the time they saved. We are now embroiled in a media network, we have lost the vision of the goals. We have radios capable of bringing everyone the best in music and literature. But we hear instead is, to a large extent, at the level of tabloid trash, or an advertisement that is an insult to the intelligence and good taste. We have the most wonderful tools and resources that man has ever had, but we do not stop to ask what they are used (Fromm, 1971). Fromm wrote these words more than a few years ago, I think it is very high time to consider them.


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