Friday, March 4, 2011

Streambehind The Green Door

I'm sitting on this hard stone, in front of me is just that

immense sea. I see no good

beyond that. Like I

an opaque veil in front of these eyes

t'avevano that, one day
observed. There is immense

here can not breathe.

I need to go further, should raise

from this rock, this heaviness

slays me.
now aspire to a road that ended

guide me forever, take me away

from you and from this height.

But there is hope that this is not a dream?
That sun is lowering on
wire beyond sea, far away.
is going to touch a little
his wife, then immerse in
s'inabisserĂ ,

however many times I have been restricted

the rarity of the first and last chance.


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