body and soul, sex and desire
An old article ...
sex, between the need and desire: the body, soul and star of desires.
The findings on the neurophysiological mechanisms dictate that many human behaviors, show us all that the desire for sexual-related, is driven by a subtle interplay of stimulation and counter-stimulation, which involves the three essential components of the human being: body, psyche and relationships. Summarily, it can be said that behind this desire is a biological component underlying instinctual (the one that sets in motion a series of neuro-chemical processes in cascade and was born to a primary need of the species: procreation), a motivational-affective ( the need to please and love, and also feeds on fantasy and erotic imagination. In this intimate and emotional relationship that includes both the person has with itself, both relations that intertwines with the others), and a mental-cognitive (actually a defense mechanism, which leads to analyze the factors that make sexual behavior or should be avoided. This dimension, however, is often overwhelmed by invading instinctual and affective factors , and chance encounters at high risk of sexually transmitted diseases will be limited to: the conduct undermines the instinct of self-protection that stands the risk of mental analysis and the person, although aware of the danger, will you leave). Sexual desire is a key stage in the relationship, because this stage is active, the brain produces in quantities of a neurotransmitter, dopamine, which calls for the desire and slows the production of the substance that inhibits serotonin. It has also reduced production of endorphins by the hypothalamus and increases the production of a molecule that regulates the reproductive hormone system: the GnRH. Moreover, because everything is conducted properly it is necessary that the "emotional brain", the limbic system, give the green light in front of an emotion with erotic connotations: it is in practice need to lose some inhibitions and "letting go". The set of physical and psychic phenomena that occur in the human body (with a few differences between men and women) after an erotic stimulus is defined as "sexual response cycle" and includes four stages: 1
. excitement
2. plateau
3. orgasm
4. resolution
The word "need" comes from the Latin bi-Somnium (one of the etymologies that is due) and, remotely, from Gothic Sunia (which means "need" and set "impediment"), a need is the power to a certain satisfaction, that fill a specific deficiency. De-siderite in Latin it means to observe the stars (siderite) carefully; the desiderantes in "De bello Gallico" were the soldiers who were waiting under the stars after those who fought during the day, had not yet returned, according The legend, however, a haruspex, that they drew from observing the stars and their prophecies of what drew great respect and power, when the sky was covered by clouds, was powerless to perform its functions divination. Precisely in these circumstances the haruspex felt rising within himself the desire of the stars, so that, again because they could see again, without the obstacle of the clouds, he could start to do its job. Sex can be placed precisely between the need and desire to fill a physical need, a desire to achieve and constantly feeding, reduce it to mere need, or pure desire to be exhaustive. Our body needs of dopamine and serotonin (activity and inactivity) our psyche needs now to want now to stop doing that (the absence is necessary to feed as much as the presence of desire) and body and soul have a "damn" and wonderful, predetermined (and inherent to the human condition) need to be together, the body keeps the soul "and" the soul takes the body. " The chemistry of our body has its own laws, even the mechanics of our psyche, the desire to help us transcend the base mechanism that we find ourselves in body and soul. That said, now, if I had to take refuge in some silly council to close this article, I would say: every so remember to pause and look at the sky, stars, and then express your desire, but with soul and body, and again, restoring and modifying an old slogan: make love, desire, and you will see that in this way, you will not be tempted to waste time body and soul, in making war!
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