Crisis and Crisis and opportunity
I decided to devote some space to the "crisis", a word that is abundant and rampant now ... and sometimes I feel a certain discomfort about what happens at a collective level and that very similar to what sometimes happens at the individual level: was so taken by the crisis and bask in their own personal drama that ends up not looking at what is good and all that could be done because things were better or at least to avoid the worst ... and it remains helpless and moaning, unnecessarily destructive or self-destructive. And surely even this need, but can not be a permanent condition! Sometimes then you do not want to face the reality, sometimes the crisis suits (now talk of crisis is a business!), Sometimes it is simply not yet able to ask for help. And then, if it is true that sometimes occurs to me that this is a bad world, it's a bad time ... ... and here we should gamble the game, the best of their ability! Beginning from this first post to talk about a crisis .. I think I will write more on track, so to speak, by sector: crisis and labor relations and crisis, and so on.
In a word these days is often present in the titles and newspaper articles, on television, in the discourses of intellectuals and people on the street crisis, a condition, a difficult time, that what ever this historical period seems to belong to everyone and raise alarm and astonishment.
But on the other hand, alarm and surprise are part of any crisis, whether individual or collective, and the crisis is part of every life of every society, of each individual. At the social level, such as age, as the company has not gone through a crisis? Many companies qualify as advanced, in various historical periods, have experienced moments of economic crisis, high conflict, poverty and disease, progress and then regress, defined as less advanced society, but steadily built up, too, have suffered large crisis, until the final crisis that has seen them succumbing to the arrogance and the invasion of foreign populations.
And, at the individual, who, before an unexpected negative event, faced with a situation of sudden and radical change or the maintenance of a prolonged discomfort, not to be found to cross a crisis? Crisis of the Third Age, the crisis in the seventh year of marriage, adolescent crisis, depression, love, crisis, financial crisis, job crisis, and I could go. The crisis is often linked to moments of transition or, conversely, the persistence of situations that, after a period shorter or longer, "they fail and fall. You will feel disoriented, with a sense of helplessness and bewilderment, fears, anxieties, which hopes to merge struggling to make their way from the thousands of doomsday predictions.
And then there's the crisis as a condition of life, a constant crisis, perennial, not only for a moment, but a permanent condition that characterizes many lives, many companies. How not to define critical, for example, the situation of society perpetually at war? Or that children who live in the barracks, on the street without adult contexts of reference? And yet, as critics do not define the lives of those living, unable to leave or leave without being able or wanting, a state of physical or mental illness? However, the word
crisis, although it is often used as a negative word, does not in itself a negative connotation, as I have said it is a condition, a phase, a temporary state that includes many opportunities, including positive. To define the crisis, both the individual and the society, many contributing factors: subjective, cultural, environmental, materials and even politicians, I dare say. Only a few examples: what is called crisis by an individual that is not defined by another, what is the crisis in a culture takes on another meaning in another, the financial crisis of the great entrepreneur is very different from that of 'in worker layoffs, the disappointment of a love affair gone wrong has nothing to do with a state of full-blown depression, talk of a crisis can be appropriate for some political factions, less for others, and can sometimes be exploited; economic crises are often linked to political views in crisis, a positive change, a situation that you've always desired, such as success, can change your life and be wonderful for some, unbearable for others.
However, whether we like it or not the crisis is ours, where there is life there is no crisis, one might say, the crisis periodically intensifies, seems to run out and then come back, is a physiological condition of individual development , society, environment. In the crisis, the individual and society can find themselves lost or, depending on how it is heard, raising awareness and addressed. It is often said that we must tackle the crisis, I believe more correct to say that the crisis needs to be addressed, not fought. If you refuse to accept an objective condition of crisis may be counterproductive to fight at all costs to overcome the crisis can sometimes be used, but many other times, it can only make it weaker. Instead, understand their own crisis, observing closely, accept it, cross it and play with it, can be a good strategy.
The crisis is inevitable, and may not necessarily be harmful, deleterious may not be able to "play" with the crisis. If alarm and astonishment as I said are very normal reactions to the condition of crisis, you need to understand how not to get overwhelmed by these feelings, but channel them into constructive actions or inactions. The fear, the sense of "paralysis" or, conversely, of desperate hyperactivity, which sometimes attack people or society in crisis, must not be neither ignored nor suppressed, but heard. Even from an evolutionary point of view, negative emotions have had and have the alarm function; experience negative emotions, it means that there is a perceived danger, a potentially damaging situation.
The fact that there is a potential danger does not necessarily mean that the danger is to succumb to us, rather that there is a situation to change and you need to identify the resources you have or find that you have to implement change . If you find yourself in a critical condition, there is little escape from reality sense, it is sensible, if ever, do not run away from, but toward a new reality, just as the French biologist explains poetically Laborit (2000), in his "In Praise of the Fugue": "When you can no longer fight against the wind and the sea \u200b\u200bto follow his route, the ship has two options: the pace on the hood (...) what makes him adrift, and escape before the storm with the sea at your back and a minimum of canvas. The flight often when you are away from the coast, is the only way to save the boat and crew. It is also used to discover unknown banks sprouting on the horizon of the calm waters back. Banks will be unfamiliar to those who have always ignored by the illusory fortunate to be able to follow the route of freighters and tankers, the predictable route set by the shipping lines. "
This is not an escape to avoid responsibility or an escape to leave everything behind, the flight we are talking about here is an escape from the danger of leaving to live life by the events, without choosing. There's the predictable route and there is no travel that does not involve some degree of fatigue, but it's worth it.
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